Social Media manager Part time


Social Media manager Part time
Part Time
0546588398 [email protected]
Rabbi Akiva Jerusalem

You spend most of your working time on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. Your work consists of writing, preparing, programming and publishing content to ensure the animation of a page, a profile for the company you represent. You know how to interact with the community that follows us, to make our publications attractive (content, visual, video, catchphrase, etc.).

You are experienced to use tools such as Brand 24 (analytics), One Up (scheduling), Unfold or Animoto (Visual), Hoot Suite, Planogram in order to build a robust social media presence.

As a Community Manager you define the strategy and analyze the KPIs to use (The engagement rate...Likes/Favorites/Retweets/Shares).

Finally you will perform with efficient Social Media Optimization (SMO) and for this, know how to manage keywords, metadata, title levels, links to put expertise in your editorial content.

Real estate rental and investment

Please send your resume in English then contact Michael at 0546 588 398.


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