Seeking an enthusiastic Torah and Aleph Beta fan for a Torah Content Creation internship. As Aleph Beta’s library grows, we are endeavoring to take stock of what we have and better curate our offerings. As one of our users remarked: “Aleph Beta can often feel like a vast library, but with the books all over the floor.” We’re looking for help picking the books up, dusting them off, and shelving them in the right places. To that end, we’re looking for someone who loves our content and is enthusiastic to highlight our offerings in ways that make them most relevant to our users.
Categorize Content by:
○ Biblical verses
○ character
○ Methodological tools
○ Topic
○ Suggesting topic possibilities - i.e. a course about Pesach could be reframed as a course on Pidyon HaBen
Interested applicants should send their resume and cover letter to [email protected] with "Torah Content Creation Intern" as the subject line.