**New** at Slasky Catering


**New** at Slasky Catering
058-702-3105 [email protected]

Looking for a unique gift to send someone making a Simcha?
We are now selling personalised Cookie Bouquets or Platters! 
We have a cookie for every occasion  (including flowers, little footprints, teddy bears, engagement rings, etc)

Making a kiddush or Bris soon? We now cater for small events, email for a quote - there are packages to suit every budget!

Email [email protected] for more information


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
Unbelievable catered event!well done!
8 years ago

I went to an unbelievably put together well catered and well presented function the other night wich was catered by Slasky catering ,and was truly impressed with them ,I will definitely be using them for. My next function!