


Nishmat’s hands-on approach to Torah study teaches women the skills they need to understand and analyze classic texts and reflect on how they inform modern Jewish thought and practice. Courses such as Tanach (Bible), Halacha (Jewish Law), Talmud, Ethics and Jewish Philosophy, place emphasis on learning with a partner, where students are encouraged to explore difficult questions and debate the answers with each other.

Personal development and spiritual growth of each student is a priority for teachers, who make themselves available in and out of the classroom. In addition to formal classes, students volunteer in the local community and go on organized trips throughout the Land of Israel.

Nishmat's English speakers bring their varied educational and professional experiences to form their own supportive community of women growing in Judaism. At the same time, they are part of the larger Israeli Nishmat community, sharing Shabbatonim and holidays together in a home away from home.

Upcoming Programs: Alisa Flatow International Program

September - June (Fall & Spring Semesters, short-term and part-time options)

Come study with top Torah teachers and scholars, including Rabbanit Chana Henkin, Simi Peters, Rav Da'vid Sperling, Dafna Siegman to name a few!

Nishmat offers beginners, intermediate and advanced study.

Housing is available at Nishmat's beautiful campus in Jerusalem.

For more information, please contact us

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