Torah Reading Lessons Private or Class - Become an expert


Torah Reading Lessons Private or Class - Become an expert
(054)8441828 [email protected]

Over forty years experience teachingTorahReading for Bar Mitzvahs, adults, ba'alei tshuva, the secular community, etc.  Loads of patience, love the work, and will teach you a skill for life.  Stress on accuracy, without pressure. 

Have many years experience working with students with learning challenges. 

 Available in Jerusalem at a convenient location or outside Jerusalem from the comfort of your own home (Skype).

Available also to teach classes which will include theory, laws, relevant grammar, parsing verses based on notes, a bit about the Jewish calendar from a Torahreading perspective, and much more.  

Many satisified customers.  Email [email protected] 

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.