Wish It Dish It Catering


Wish It Dish It Catering

Ahuva Staum created “You wish it… We dish it” catering to deliver to discerning individuals the opportunity to produce a plate prepared precisely for their palate, exactly according to  their expectations and preferences.

Ahuva grew up in a strictly kosher home, and had various allergies that prevented her from consuming many foods that kept appearing in dishes she wanted to enjoy.  Instead of just avoiding them, Ahuva thoughtfully and deliciously reworked many recipes , as Ahuva sought viable alternatives to replace and enhance her nutritional intake. Her extensive study of various cuisines and techniques resulted in an uncanny ability to recreate specific tastes and introduce innovative substitutions that do not detract from the finished product.

Congratulations ! You have now found the kitchen of your dreams, wherein various delectable delicacy traditions are available such as Heimish, French, Indian, Moroccan, Rustic, gourmet, etc etc etc…the possibilities are indeed endless ! All challenges are welcome and encouraged. Just WISH IT by telling Ahuva what you want and how you want it…..and she will be thrilled  to DISH IT according to your discerning specifications  ..all at extremely reasonable prices.

Ahuva is especially  renowned for her themed parties such as Shabbat and Holiday meals, Mexican Fiestas, and Indoor Picnic Shabbat Lunches, as well as meaningful simchas like Engagement parties, sheva brachot, elegant brissim and kiddushes


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
8 years ago
