Moving Sale in Armon Hanatziv August 5th-20th

Stuff For Sale

Moving Sale in Armon Hanatziv August 5th-20th
20 NIS
052-874-2477 [email protected]
Eliyahu Hakim 32 Jerusalem

πŸ“£ Moving sale in Armon Hanatziv πŸš›πŸ‘ (Jerusalem ) starting August 5th-20th

All Prices in Shekels.

Willing to take reasonable offers!

Most items must go by August 20th!

⭐️open house sale dates: August 12th, and August 19th 9:00-18:00 (call or message to confirm)

⭐️More details and better photos coming πŸ”œ

(All items in good condition and working order unless specified)

πŸ”΅ 2 IKEA Ektorp sofas (grey, excellent condition only a couple years old) 2400 for both (can be sold separately for 1300 each)

πŸ”΅ Coffee table (brown wood) 200

πŸ”΅ Matching entertainment stand (brown wood) 200

πŸ”΅ TV - wall mounted

πŸ”΅Apple TV with remote - 600

πŸ”΅ Glider Rocking chair- 250

πŸ”΅ Dining table and 6 chairs ( 2 extensions, dark brown) 750

πŸ”΅ IKEA Small solid wood folding table and 6 chairs (Light brown) 450

πŸ”΅ Tall Book shelf 200

πŸ”΅ IKEA cubby storage shelf 150

πŸ”΅ Dresser (dark brown) 150

πŸ”΅ Small light brown desk - 50

πŸ”΅ IKEA Buffet table and wall hanging shelves - 400

πŸ”΅IKEA book shelf (tall, matching above items)

πŸ”΅ IKEA small bedside table (2 drawers -light brown - 50

πŸ”΅ King size bed with 2 separate mattresses - 1500

πŸ”΅ New oven 1 year old- digital auto cooking settings with thermometer, self cleaning.

(built in) (price and more info coming soon)

πŸ”΅ New LG fridge ( just over 1 year old, lower

freezer.) -4,500

πŸ”΅White fridge, large, older, used as a extra fridge (has some breaking door shelves and needs a new fuse - 200

πŸ”΅ Electric cooktop 1 year old - 1500

(Built in )

πŸ”΅ Breville Juicer - 300

πŸ”΅NINJA Blender (1 year old, only used a few times - 300

πŸ”΅Instant pot DUO 7 in 1, 6 quart - 400

πŸ”΅ Washer 10 kg - 650

πŸ”΅ Dryer- 500

πŸ”΅ New laundry clothes Drying rack - 150

πŸ”΅ Yamaha Full weight 88 key professional keyboard (older but works great!) - 2,500 comes with heavy duty flight case. USA plug requires step down converter (included)

πŸ”΅ Yamaha electric drum set - 1900

πŸ”΅ PA Sytem (2 speakers and cables - 600

small audio mixer multiple channels (mixer needs to be repaired) 1200

πŸ”΅ Electric guitar (black) 300

πŸ”΅ Martin Acoustic guitar with pick up.

πŸ”΅ laser jet Printer and copier (1 year old) new


πŸ”΅ variety of Men’s and women’s clothing, coats and shoes (women’s small and men’s medium / small ) 5-30+ NIS

πŸ”΅ Children’s books, toys and clothes

Clothing 5-10 NIS/ piece. Toys 5-30NIS

books 5-10NIS

πŸ”΅ Balance bike- 50

πŸ”΅kids scooter - 30

πŸ”΅Pack N Play travel crib (full American size) 120

πŸ”΅ Mini pack N Play travel crib with bassinet


βœ¨πŸš™Black 2011 Mazda 5, 142,000km (engine has (40,000 less KM) - was replaced with a new engine by Mazda due to recall) Runs GREAT, 7 seats, in good shape. Roof racks included! 55,000 shekels (possibly available for pick up August 22nd date subject to change)
