The Place - The Jerusalem Center for Emotional Wellbeing


The Place - The Jerusalem Center for Emotional Wellbeing
02-581-8299 Whatsapp 054-260-1468 [email protected]
2 Sheshet Haymim, Apt 19, Knissa Gimmel, Ramat Eshkol Jerusalem

The Place, The Jerusalem Centre for Emotional Wellbeing: Established in 2009

The Place provides top-quality therapy and emotional support to improve people’s lives.  At The Place, male and female therapists work independently or as a team to explore sensitive issues and facilitate positive change for individuals, couples, and families from all sectors of the community.

The Place was established as a warm haven of professional counseling, growth services and events.

The Place is where therapists, individuals and the community create safety, strength, and success. At The Place, individuals discover the freedom and safety to move past those issues which are preventing them from living life to its fullest. Our goal is to help each of our clients discover his or her own strengths as powerful tools in the healing process.

Some of our specialties include emotional eating, grief counselling, addictions, phobias, anxiety & OCD, childhood challenges, premarital counselling, couples therapy and intimacy issues, postpartum support, personality disorders, and more

The Place is a multi-faceted facility offering both individual and group therapy; support groups; interactive evenings and lectures and educational classes. Our comfortable, confidential, relaxed environment allows clients and their families to explore sensitive issues and create positive change.

We believe that the key to mental health and emotional wellbeing is inside you.

Welcome to The Place where you belong.

Connect with a caring professional in person at our comfortable Jerusalem offices, or by video, phone, and text. We’re here for you.

02-581-8299, 054-260-1468, [email protected]


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
shlomo kory
4 years ago

I have given seminars at The Place for many years and can testify that the atmosphere there is one of competence, experience, and caring about other people.

5 years ago

A place that claims to treat everything, yet treats nothing.