Buying a washing machine? Washing machine technician - Israel with a recommendation to do and not to


Buying a washing machine? Washing machine technician - Israel with a recommendation to do and not to
052-917-2080 https://xn-----uldgpdaukfodd1b0agw1n.xn--4dbrk0ce/
Shlomo Hamelech 81 Tel aviv

Buying a new electrical product for the home is not an easy task, today we have a way to find out a lot of things and the decision of which product to purchase, of which brand and which model can be very confusing. What's more, today the price range of every electrical product is so wide that sometimes people wonder why. In this article we will not talk about all the electrical products available on the market, but if you are planning to buy a new washing machine or maybe the old machine broke down and you are wondering if it is worth repairing or replacing it - this article is just for you.

Washing machine technician company - Israel, provides Bosch washing machine technician services, Siemens washing machine technician services and Constructa washing machine technician services. You must be wondering, how is this possible? These companies are considered to be leading companies in the washing machine market, the successful brands that are considered to be of the highest quality - and indeed this is the case. Therefore, they can be repaired and it pays to repair them.

Think about it: you can purchase a relatively simple washing machine that at the time of purchase will save you maybe 1000 shekels maybe 2000 sometimes even more, the warranty for machines of this type is very short-lived, since the manufacturer knows very well that the machine is not supposed to work beyond this time, or that it will produce some malfunction, Either way - a warranty is not equal to the manufacturer providing you. Then two, three years later (sometimes less, sometimes more) your washing machine will start to fake - if it's in the clothes that come out not clean, if it's in the wringing action that you'll stop, and if it's worst that the drum will suck life, then what? will you buy Of course not, buy a new one. Why? Because it won't pay you to fix it

On the other hand, think about this: you buy a washing machine from a leading brand in the washing machine market, yes, you pay a few thousand shekels more - 1000 shekels more, 2000 or more, you usually get a full 3-year warranty, the machine works like a tick and then after a while, It too, like the simpler washing machine wears out, maybe the rubber is torn a little, maybe the door doesn't close properly - you call a Bosch washing machine technician, a Siemens washing machine technician or a Constructa washing machine technician, he checks the problem and finds out that the problem will cost you maybe 5% of the price that you paid for the machine, and now you got another 3, 4 years with the washing machine - so in the end, the loan is expensive and the price is getting more expensive.

There is no recommendation here to buy one machine or another, of course everyone has their own needs and financial capabilities, but certainly if you can, don't skimp on buying a washing machine and certainly not on ordering a washing machine technician when necessary. In addition to this, no matter what you chose to buy, whether a washing machine from the simple fish of small brands or a sophisticated washing machine with dozens of different short and long programs from the Bosch company, always make sure to take care of it regularly and on a basis every few weeks (preferably every two or three weeks).

Regular care means cleaning it - clean the hinges and doors, clean the sealing rubber with a damp rag, clean the compartment where you put the laundry cleaning materials and clean the internal parts by operating without clothes with designated materials. In addition, do not load clothes in excess of the weight it is supposed to carry, do not run machine after machine with foam or at least try to give your washing machine a break between one operation and another, make sure that the drain pipe is at the height of the standards and in general that it be installed by a qualified washing machine technician and not by a passerby . This way you will ensure that the life of your washing machine will be longer than expected and it will work well and with maximum efficiency.

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