A new 6-BR apartment is available for sukkot in Katamonim


A new 6-BR apartment is available for sukkot in Katamonim
1,500 NIS (couple/night) 6 Rooms
Pool, Kids activites, WiFi, AC 0525304604 [email protected]
Elazar Ben Yair 19 Jerusalem Jerusalem

A new and stylish 6-room apartment with a private entrance in Katamonim, available for sublet during Sukkot (from right after Yom Kippur until after Sukkot). The apartment can accommodate up to 10 people. It is close to bus lines, synagogues, the Train Track Park, and more. Suitable for both children and adults. 3 bathrooms, Shabbat clock, hotplate, urn, and a sukkah

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