Rob Dugay Body Mind Method - Feldenkrais.
An exciting way to be kinder to yourself.
The most immediate, concrete and down to earth thing you do all day, every day, of your entire life is move! Movement is at the foundation of everything you do…your thoughts…your feelings…your actions.
There are two main modalities of learning The Feldenkrais Method: Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration.
Awareness Through Movement lessons are group sessions.
The other Functional Integration, is a one-to-one, hands-on interaction specifically designed to meet the needs of an individual.
For more information go to or call me for a chat. Tel 054-229-3870.
Some of the benefits of The Feldenkrais Method:
Improved posture, flexibility and coordination;
Relief from pain, tension, stress and recovery from injury;
Renewed energy;
Increased overall range of movement;
Easier and fuller breathing;
Improved performance in sport, dance, music and drama.