Sketchbook Tours at the Skirball Museum


Sketchbook Tours at the Skirball Museum
0542127716 [email protected]

Sketchbook Tours  at the Skirball Museum

August 2013 

Enjoy creating drawings through an 
interactive tour of the Skirball Museum 
exhibitions. Experience the documentation 
of an archaeological team at work in the 
field and the ancient artifacts excavated. 
Make sketches of your own favorite spaces and 
inspiring archaeological objects.
Draw what you see. Add elements from your 

Expand your creative thinking. Learn how other artists 
see and draw spaces and artifacts in their work. 
Workshop Schedule:
Dates and Groups

Monday August 5th
10am to 12noon - Ages 7 to 10.
2pm to 4pm - Ages 11 to 15.

Tuesday August 6th.
10am to 12noon - Adults.
2pm to 4pm - Ages 7 to 10. 
Fee: 120 shekels   Cash Only
Includes: 2 hour session and materials.
Language: English
Admission to Skirball Museum is free 
Please Contact Polly Tessler 054.212.7716 [email protected]
   The Skirball Museum highlights the research and archaeological expeditions of the Nelson 
Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem. The exhibitions tell 
the story of three ancient cities: Laish/Dan, Gezer and Aroer. Three major themes are 
presented in the Museum: fortifications, burial customs and cult practices. 
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion | 13 King David Street  |  Jerusalem 
   Polly Tessler is a graduate of Parsons School of Design in NYC and former Artist/educator 
at the Whitney Museum of  American Art,  NYC. Her experience includes field work on various 
archaeological excavations in the Mediterranean region. She completed a Fulbright Grant on 
Cyprus, a project which combined art and archaeology.
   Sketchbooks make art mobile. Create drawings inspired by the immediate environment 
and develop the ability to focus on what is actually seen. From these first drawings, the unique 
ideas and works of each individual will originate, from learning through discovery, creative 
thinking and using the imagination.  
   The workshop begins with a tour and discussion of the galleries as a group, each individual 
making quick drawings and notes on the exhibitions, highlighting elements inspiring to him/her 
as an artist.  A period of drawing develops the sketches of artifacts and exhibition spaces 
previously noted. Discover new skills to 'see' more, to record information and to invent designs. 
A group critique follows with a showing of works.  Learn how to articulate ideas and describe 
your artwork.  Review images, share ideas and ask questions. 'Artists' learn from other 'artists'.
The sketchbook has the potential to continue to be used as a tool to record the experiences 
and inspiration in one's life. The abilities to focus, think creatively, develop ideas and articulate 
these concepts through words and images will result in a great sense of achievement. 

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