Why beeper attacks won’t suffice: Israel must fully defeat its enemies


Why beeper attacks won’t suffice: Israel must fully defeat its enemies
Caption: Vice President Kamala Harris looks on as U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a reception for new members of Congress on in the East Room of the White House on Jan. 24, 2023. Credit: Erin Scott/White House.

By James Sinkinson, JNS

Israel’s strategy directly, forcefully and effectively serves the interests of the United States to thwart the spread of terrorism and Iran’s hegemony in the Middle East.​

For the last 30 years, Israel has compromised with its enemies, given up territory, accepted ceasefires and contented itself with limited military operations following countless enemy attacks. This strategy has clearly failed, as Israel’s neighbors have continued their ceaseless violence against its citizens for decades.

The most epic disaster, of course, was Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, which exploded into a continuous war on two fronts—against Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north. In the past year, more than 1,000 Israelis have been killed and more than 100,000 displaced from their homes—robbing Israel’s sovereignty over more than 10% of its territory.

Israel’s government and the overwhelming majority of its citizens agree that Israel needs a new strategy—one that ensures Israel’s survival and the safety of its citizens for decades to come. While last week’s beeper and walkie-talkie attacks were a brilliant tactical success, they are insufficient. Victory means eliminating Hamas as a viable force in Gaza and decisive disabling of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration does not share this strategy for Israel’s survival. While both Biden and Harris claim to support “Israel’s right to defend itself,” this turns out to be mere “weasel wording” since both refused to say they support Hamas’s demise or harsh responses to Hezbollah. Indeed, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris cannot mention the Gaza war without demanding a ceasefire—which is the opposite of Israel’s primary goal in the conflict and thus undermines Israel’s existential interests.

The reasons for Team Biden-Harris’s conditional support of Israel stem from the fact that they and their national security advisers believe it’s possible to reform and make peace with Iran, the world’s leading organizer of global jihad, and its ​Islamist proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah and Yemen’s Houthis.

​The White House holds this position despite all evidence ​of its failure since the beginning of their administration—starting with Iran’s dramatic increase in wealth and its progress toward threshold production of nuclear weapons. ​Accordingly, Iran has funded Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s launch of a massive war against Israel, as well as the Houthis’ blockading of the Red Sea, effectively paralyzing global shipping.

Following its bankrupt strategy, the United States has done nothing to halt these terrorist aggressions except half-hearted defensive actions and futile attempts at appeasement.

The tragedy of this situation is that Israel’s strategy directly, forcefully and effectively serves the interests of the United States to thwart the spread of terrorism and Iran’s hegemony in the Middle East.​ Unfortunately, the U.S. administration falsely believes that those fanatically committed to Islamic conquest can be derailed by financial rewards, paltry land swaps or global respect. The only solution for Israel—and for the United States—is victory over the terrorists, starting with Israel’s defeat of Hamas and Hezbollah … preferably with wholehearted U.S. support.

Most Israelis reject making concessions to their enemies and support a new strategy. A recent poll by JNS, for example, found that nearly three-quarters of Israelis reject Hamas’s demands for a ceasefire. Furthermore, 61% of Israelis agreed with the sentence, “Only military pressure on Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and planned military actions including hostage rescue operations can lead to the release of the hostages.” 

Many Israelis also want their government to take a tougher stance on Hezbollah. According to a poll by the Israel Democracy Institute, about two-thirds of Israelis want their government to respond to the Iranian proxy’s attacks more aggressively, with 42% saying the Israel Defense Forces should “launch an assault deep into Lebanon that includes striking at its infrastructure.” In addition, 52% of Israelis polled by JNS believe that if the United States asks Israel not to attack Hezbollah or Iran, Israel should defy the Americans and act in accordance with its own interests.

Tragically, U.S. President Joe Biden and company make every effort to ensure Israel never defeats its enemies. Although Biden initially approved Israel’s “elimination” of Hamas, it didn’t take long for his administration to reverse course. They’ve hammered Israel to accept a ceasefire that would leave Hamas in control of Gaza, allow the terrorists to rearm and permit them to conduct another atrocity reminiscent of Oct. 7—all in the service of “de-escalating the conflict.” The irony is painfully thick on this point since it is Hezbollah that started the war with Israel last October and “escalates” it with daily attacks on the Jewish state. Perhaps the United States should try pressuring Hezbollah, whose Lebanese government receives half a billion dollars a year in American aid.

Team Biden-Harris naively believes that peace can be made with Iran and its proxies. That’s why, upon taking office, Biden immediately tried to restore the hapless nuclear deal, which gave Iran an unimpeded path to develop nuclear weapons. Biden has also given Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief, including $6 billion in 2023, in exchange for freeing five American hostages and another $10 billion earlier this year. Instead of cooperating with the United States, Iran used this money to fund terrorist proxies and accelerate its nuclear program.

The United States helps strengthen Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and even Hamas. Iran has enough material to produce five nuclear bombs within a week. The Houthis, whom Biden de-listed as a designated global terrorist organization, are now attacking international shipping on a daily basis. Hezbollah, despite Israel’s beeper attack, continues to shoot its missiles at Israeli citizens. Even Hamas, thanks to constant U.S. restraint of Israel, retains realistic hope it will survive to murder again.

Middle East peace can only be achieved through decisive victory over Israel’s—and America’s—enemies. This means no more talk of ceasefires. No more withholding weapons or moral support from Israel. Finally, no more obstructing Israel’s efforts to defeat the enemies who fight full-time to annihilate it.

Appeasing terrorists and their sponsors does not bring peace. It only breeds more bloodshed and more terrorism. Only through strength will Israel defeat our mutual enemies in the Middle East—and only with the determined support of the United States.

Originally published by Facts and Logic About the Middle East.


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