Beit Midrash Boker in Baka


Beit Midrash Boker in Baka

​​​Thursday, August 3th (19 Elul)

9:00 - 10:15 AM Rav Nechemya Taylor

Torani Advisor to Torah MiTzion

            10:45 - 12:00 Noon Rav Herzl Hefter

Former Rosh Kollel Cleveland, Head of HarEl Beit Midrash Program

           Inline images 1 Refreshments

           7F6   Free parking 

Sponsorship/dedication opportunities for individual sessions available, 
phone Harold: 054-3207895 or Emanuel 052-8119619 
email: [email protected]

The program is open to men & women
Torah MiTzion & Nitzanim Synagogue
3 Asher Street Baka - Jerusalem

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