Humans are designed for relationships for, "it is not good for Adam/man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18) and "God created Adam/man in his own image In the image God created him male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27).
Knowing how to navigate human interactions can be tricky especially if we've grown up in complicated or traumatic environments.
Difficulty in relationships can be stressful and anxiety-provoking. Anxiety can provoke difficulty in relationships.
Often we can enter into relationships with baggage from previous childhood relationships which can make current relationships difficult whether the relationship is; friendship, parental, marital, or familial.
Sometimes the beginning of a new marriage is/was rocky thereby setting up obstacles for future success and happiness.
It's quite common for one to believe, "I can fix it if I just keep trying this or that" but unfortunately, we usually don't have the necessary skills to change the dynamic that has developed. Actually, It may be hard to believe that the dynamic that has developed did so BECAUSE of the skills that we thought we had. Therefore, outside help HELPS! And the sooner we can intervene with positive behaviors the quicker we can begin to develop new habits of success and connection.
If any of the above sounds familiar contact Gavriel