Dr. Gil Garalnick of RBS-Implants runs a family Dental practice specializing in Implants.
He delivers an individual approach, gentle treatment with minimal pain, fast recovery, and implant treatments made simple.
For Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Garalnick uses use modern, non-invasive techniques and can find a solution for replacing missing teeth, even in cases of little available bone. He can help form a single tooth replacement to full mouth reconstruction.
Dr. Garalnick was certified at Leeds University Dental Institute and attended their Vocational training and postgraduate education by 1998. He began to practice family Dentistry in London until he made Aliyah in 2007 to Ramat Beit Shemesh where he opened a new office here, providing family and Cosmetic Dentistry, specializing in Implants.
Dr. Gil loves what he does and continues his Professional Development by taking advanced medical courses in implant, esthetic, and reconstructive dentistry.
Dr. Garalnick works in Ramat Beit Shemesh serving the local and wider population. Please contact us with any dental questions, to set an appointment or a Free implant consultation.
20 years of experience, hundreds of happy, repeat patients and their families.

3rd Floor, Park Center, Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph
Tel: 02-992-4267