PR Service for small businesses and start-ups. Your story, beautifully written, for your audience.


PR Service for small businesses and start-ups. Your story, beautifully written, for your audience.

Dear Entrepreneur,

You have an amazing idea that is going to make the world a better place.
You’ve worked hard to turn that idea into a product or service that people will value.
Now you need to tell the world about it… only, you’re wasting money paying retainer fees to a large PR agency.

That’s where I come in.

* I offer an initial consultation to identify your story and intended audience.

* I then pitch that story to publications to help you get the coverage you need.

* When the pitch is accepted we move ahead with an interview.

* I then write up and submit the story to the publication on your behalf.

* Finally, I provide you with copy for three tweets, one Facebook post and an Instagram post when your article runs, helping you get the word out on social media.

If the article doesn’t run, you don’t pay.

Your story, beautifully written, for your audience – with no retainer fees pouring endlessly down the drain.

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