Book publishing, A-Z


Book publishing, A-Z
732-637-9198 [email protected]
Tiferet ramot 83-21

We believe that a publisher ought to help an author produce their book, not take over the project.

We have been successfully doing exactly that for three years now, and invite you to come and produce your book with us.

We also prepare custom siddurim, benchers and so on for organizations that have specific needs.

Our specialty is helping newbie authors and tremedously busy people. We do the gruntwork and the dogwork - the editing, transcribing (if we are working off an audio) proofreading illustrating and typesetting, as well as publishing and helping with distribution.

We do whatever you need us to. We have arranged for artwork, photography, videography (even uploading the video to Amazon for sale there!) and websites, along with the usual transcribing, typing, editing, illustrating, typesetting, proofing and all the rest. 

We offer you three years of experience in producing books, excellent project-management skills, and a great eye for detail.

We are eager to please and our prices extremely reasonable. Many references here in Israel, in the US or Canada. I welcome the chance to speak with you sometime.


[email protected] 

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