Don't miss this online Haggadah Yom Iyyun on Sunday!


Don't miss this online Haggadah Yom Iyyun on Sunday!
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 30/03/2025 30/03/2025 Starts 16:15 Ends 21:00

Deepen your understanding of the Haggadah!
Join Torah in Motion for a Pesach Haggadah Yom Iyyun – a day of in-depth learning focused on the themes and texts of the Haggadah.

Sunday, March 30
9:15 AM - 2:00 PM Eastern | 4:15 PM - 9:00 PM Israel

The program will feature:

  • Kadesh - Ha Lachma Anya – Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottleib
  • Mah Nishtana - The Four Children – Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick
  • V’hee She’amda – Rabbi Zvi Grumet
  • Tzeh U’Lmad – Rabbi David Silber
  • Dam V’Eish, Eser Makkot – Yoetzet Halacha Stacey Nechama Goldman
  • Hallel and Beyond – Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Don’t miss this inspiring opportunity to prepare for the Seder with deeper insights and fresh perspectives!
Register (free) here:

The Torah in Motion Team


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