Jewish Studies Tutor


Jewish Studies Tutor
0546134070 [email protected]

Learn how to navigate classic Jewish texts with ease!

Well trained Tutor In semicha program employed as Shoel Umashiv in leading Jerusalem Yeshiva with expectance from across the spectrum of the Torah world will work with you to develop a in-depth, personalized study program to suit your needs! Perfect weather you are just starting out learning for the first time or need some extra help with that challenging gemara shiur in yeshiva. I will work with you to tailor a program that's just right for you/ your interests.

Areas of Specialty include



·Chumash including parshat hashuva


·Siddur Skills


·Daf Yomi

How to read Torah using the proper cantillation (trope)

·Bar/ Bat Mitzvah

·Developing Classical text skills/ individualized learning program (s)

·Seplimetary Yeshiva review

Other Jewish studies - let me know what your interest are

Call Me Today 0546134070

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