Large apartment for sale in Beitar Illit

Real Estate For Sale

Large apartment for sale in Beitar Illit
2,100,000 NIS 6 Rooms
Floor 1 177 m² AC, Laundry room, Shelter room (Mamad), Storage (Machsan), Garden, Balcony Owner Avi Hofi 0527909147 [email protected]
Rav Shach 29 Beitar Illit

Large and spacious apartment (floor #1 out of 4) in Beitar Illit - Rav Shach, 6 rooms, master bedroom including toilet shower and walk-in closet, large living room and kitchen + utility room, balcony overlooking the living A balcony exits the living room and overlooks the view. A backyard that allows for privacy and space for children.

Apartment (177), balcony (13), yard (50) and warehouse (7).

Air conditioner and gas system for water heating and home heating. There is an option to expand or split the apartment.

For those interested, I will send photos and sketches by email or WhatsApp

Price: 2.1 million

Avi - 052-7909147
