SEO Facebook Marketing Saleperson


SEO Facebook Marketing Saleperson
Full Time

Position: qualified in SEO, Facebook, Marketing, and Sales. The job is to place ads in many venues where mothers of Homeschoolers will read and register their kids for our 10-week classes below. 

You will earn a regular commission for one year of $69 per student who agrees to study in specific time zones via ZOOM.

Full info in this link:

Our UniqueMath, Music, Muffins & Chess” makes our kids LOVE MATH!

FIND STUDENTS WORLDWIDE TO REGISTER for our Homeschool Creative Math Classes!

$269 per 10-week session, a total of 33 lessons ($8/dollars per class):
10-Week ZOOM classes at home offer Math, Music, Muffins & Chess an enrichment program given 3-times a week pick, pick one of these 5-classes:

On Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays, moms assist our teachers and are also trained if they wish to run future classes.

  1. 10-week regular fall semester homeschool classes
  2. The afterschool fall season for regular in-school kids.
  3. 10-week regular spring semester homeschool classes
  4. The afterschool spring season for regular in-school kids.
  5. Summer math camps in July & August.

Experienced Homeschool Mom’s co-teach FUN MATH designed for 5-8 year-old children. Moms can assist this class taught by an Aplseeds, Inc. instructor. After a full session of 10 weeks, these moms may apply to teach their own 10-week session on salary. Teach as many as 3 different classes in multiple time zones.

Company Background: offers this class to English speakers “anywhere in the world by ZOOM!”

You must be a homeschool family and as a mother have experience teaching children with confidence in math.

Our curriculum combines all of the senses using the rhythmic and numerical cadence of classical music. We add weekly baking of muffins to teach measuring and sequencing skills. Lastly, students are guided in strategic chess giving children more patience and systematic thinking to improve overall basic math skills. Watch this demo video to understand our educational mission.


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