Title Proofer


Title Proofer
Part Time, Full Time, Work from home
Work from home

Title Proofer should be experienced (at least 2+ years required) in all aspects of the NY and NJ title production process, from receipt of clients' orders through submitting the final report to the clients.

  • Specific duties will include but not be limited to, reviewing title reports and survey readings, reviewing title content and re-issues, and foreclosure reviews.
  • The candidate will be expected to ascertain when and what searches are required depending on the nature of the specific file, as well as oversee the production typists, ensuring that their duties are accurately performed and that all reports are completed in a timely manner.
  • Candidate is a quick thinker, detailed and accurate, able to prioritize, delegate and multi-task.
  • High level of organizational skills.
  • Native English speaker

6 -8 hours a day. Half over US time

Work from home, potential for a hybrid role in the future

Email resume to apply [email protected]


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