NLP Seminar


NLP Seminar
Physical 02/02/2023 02/02/2023 Starts 08:40 Ends 10:40 50 NIS
[email protected] 052 7637029

Beyond Words
The Power of Non-Verbal Communication

Seminar given by
Rabbi Shlomo Kory
Certified NLP Master-Practitioner

You will learn about:
--facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture...
--voice tone, speed, volume, pausing...
--handshakes, distance..
.--how to achieve better rapport with people...

This Thursday, יא' שבט, (Feb. 2)
from 8:40--10:40 PM
at Chainechei Hayeshivos Shul,
Rechov Zichron Yaakov 6, Romema

For Men only--- 50 shekels

to register or for more information:
email: [email protected]
phone: 052-763 7029


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