Sefarim(Books) for Sale

Stuff For Sale

Sefarim(Books) for Sale
25 NIS
0548491644 [email protected]

Sefarim (Books) for Sale

Hok L’Yisrael Edmond Safra Edition by Rav Yoseph Milstein, 10 volumes – 200 shekels

Strive for Truth by Rabbi Dessler, 3 volumes – 90 shekels

Illustrated Mishnayoth Shabbat – 30 shekels

Gateway to Self-knowledge by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin - 25 shekels

Behold a Prophet (volume 1) by Rabbi Avigdor Miller – 25 shekels

Torah Nation (volume 2) by Rabbi Avigdor Miller – 25 shekels

Exalted People (volume 3) by Rabbi Avigdor Miller – 25 shekels

Rejoice O Youth by Rabbi Avigdor Miller – 25 shekels

Treasure this Teachings, 2 volumes by Rabbi Moshe Alschich, explanation of Book Of Proverbs – 50 shekels

Pathways to A Peaceful Home by Rabbi Eliyahu Porat Teherani – 25 shekels

A Practical Guide to Rabbinic Counselling by Rabbi Yisrael Levitz and Rabbi Abraham Twerski – 25 shekels

Longing for Dawn by Rabbi Nachman Bulman – 25 shekels

Between Heaven and Earth Ben Ish Hai Anthology – 25 shekels

The Eye of the Storm by Rav Aharon Feldman – 25 shekels

The Midrash Says book of Devarim – 25 shekels

If interested please call or email me.
