Secondhand Israel Secondhand Household Goods for Sale


Secondhand Israel Secondhand Household Goods for Sale
0587163405 [email protected]
Nachal Nitzanim 8 Beit Shemesh

You probably know my wife, Karen, as the Klutter Koach for her home organizing and Related Services.

We are Now proud to offer the Sale of Secondhand Items. 

Check Out our Retail Store!
Secondhand Israel is THE thrift store in Beit Shemesh for secondhand household goods.

We are located in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph in the Shopping Center in the Parking Garage under Yeish.
We are open Sunday through Thursday: 11 am to 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Looking for items for your home but don't want to pay retail prices?
Did you recently move or make aliyah?
Are you a recently married couple setting up your first home or know someone that is?

Secondhand Israel is your source for high-quality pre-owned household items.

We have lots of items in stock to beautify your home or your shabbos table.

Looking for something to read in your downtime?
Looking for something for the kids?

Look no further than Secondhand Israel!

When we are running a sale for a client, we will have a variety of items available for you to purchase.

You can check out our website for information on Current Sales and our Catalog of Merchandise.

Some Items for Sale also listed on Janglo in the Buy/Sell Section.

If you see anything that you are interested in buying, WhatsApp:
Shmuel:  052-792-2756

Don't have WhatsApp, no worries!  Email:  [email protected]

We look forward to selling to you!

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