Earn 800 NIS per person!


Earn 800 NIS per person!
Freelance / Contractor, Work from home

Earn $$$ as a recruiter!

Top cleaning service My Cleaning Club Ltd. is looking to hire more cleaners.  

You help us find them and we'll pay you for it!

For each person you send us who fits this criteria, we will pay you 800 NIS.

The perfect candidate MUST have the following 7 criteria:

  1. Has an Israeli ID/teudat zehut (visa not acceptable)
  2. Willing to sign an employment contract for 1+ years
  3. Speaks English (doesn't have to be native language)
  4. Lives in Jerusalem
  5. Open to work in Jerusalem
  6. Has more than 1 year cleaning experience
  7. Willing to work 20+ hours per week as a cleaner

Know someone like this??

If they work with us for 60 days or longer, we will pay you 800 NIS. 

(If they work with us 40 hours/week, you get 1000 NIS.)


  • If candidate quits or is let go before 60 days, we don't pay.
  • 60 days begin from day one of actual cleaning work.
  • If candidate doesn't have ALL of the 7 criteria outlined above, they are automatically disqualified.
  • Candidate must be able to prove they satisfy all 7 criteria.

Have questions? 

Give us a call or send a WhatsApp to 054- 490- 3033.


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