Meir Plumbing and Drainage Services in Jerusalem and Bet Shemesh


Meir Plumbing and Drainage Services in Jerusalem and Bet Shemesh
Available 24/7 0527045119 [email protected]
ב'ת שמש

Specializing in:
Unblocking Drains
CCTV inspection of pipes and drains
CCTV drainage reports
Replacing Pipes
Dudei Shemesh
General plumbing
Emergency plumbing and drainage

24-hour service

Meir 052-704-5119


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
Michael Olsberg
1 year ago

Very happy with Meir's service - I had a blocked drain on my balcony that was on the verge of flooding my appartment. Meir arrived within around half an hour and cleared the problem quickly and efficiently. Highly recommend him.