Amazing German Colony Book and Comic sale!

Stuff For Sale

Amazing German Colony Book and Comic sale!
20 NIS
052-3392-814 [email protected]

In time for Chanukkah gifts- Part one of the bi-annual German Colony Book sale!!! This part is only sci-fi, fantasy, manga and comics! Over 1500 books and comics in English and Hebrew (some even in French) in great condition, at excellent prices! Please tag and share with friends. Keep in mind- if you have good condition fantasy, sc-fi or comics, you might be able to get credit towards both parts of the sale. Check with me first. Most novels are 15-20 shekel. Most individual comic issues are 10-15. Graphic novels (TPBs) run 15-75. Please note- Cash only is accepted. For Corona Precautions- Windows are open, I will try to have only 2 people at a time (or 3 if from the same family) wearing masksPart two of the sale is all the other genres, and will begin shortly after part 1 is finished. Ill post about part 2 when relevant.When: From now and then running every day for two weeks or so. I am often flexible and available between 9:30AM-11PM, however you must check with me before coming to confirm. Best to call right before you wish to come. To set a time to browse: 052-3392-814 Where: Masaryk 4, entrance A, ground level, the door says Arye on it.As always, no need to worry that all the good things will run out quickly, as they are ALL good and there is plenty for everyone. P.S. Not all the books are shown in the pics.
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