FREE virtual Teens Mental Health Summit for parents - next week!


FREE virtual Teens Mental Health Summit for parents - next week!

This amazing FREE virtual Teens Triumph Summit for parents is happening next week!
If you haven’t yet signed up – do it now:

On September 12–15 you’ll hear from 20+ experts giving solutions to raising emotionally healthy teens. Therapists, educators, counselors, coaches and health professionals will give you tools to assist your teen navigate these crucial years – successfully!

Presentations will be available for you to view for 24 hours after going live.
All sessions are pre-recorded so you can watch them from anywhere in the world!

Get your free ticket and more info, topics and speakers here:
VIP option: Get the Mental Health Access Kit - includes life-time access to the summit recordings and transcripts, extra bonus workshops, worksheets, Q&A session and more!

Please share this information with others who could benefit - this could be life-saving for someone!



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