VIP Groups, Events, and Conventions Coordinator - Operations Supervisor -VIP Clients, Embassies and Government Delegates. Coordinating groups, and reservations, controlling satisfaction during their stay, hospitality assistant, and guest relationship management. Sales and event coordination. Opera І OnQ R&I І Delphy Salesforce І Office.
Trade Marketing and branding design for companies and entrepreneurs, business design, social networks, books, brochures, redesign of press media, offset printing. Photoshop І Illustrator І InDesign.
Commercial management, control of purchases, stock, and sales. Reports of assets and quarterly returns. -Social relations and meetings with VIP companies. -Implementation of marketing and sales campaigns through social networks.
Customer service and hospitality manager. -Reservations and guest experience. -Marketing and sales.
General business administration. -Bilingual guides (Spanish-English) -Customer Support specialized on VIP Groups. -Application of Quality Management Systems of National Relevance. (SIGO)
Jan 2009 - May 2010
Exchange and internship programs - Denver Coliseum
Denver, Colorado, United States
-Assistant in events.
-Event organization