VFI OF LOGOTHERAPY IN ISRAEL - Course for Personal Enrichment
Are you seeking greater clarity about who you are and how you can become more like the person you want to be? Do you believe in a process that is based on the conviction that your life has meaning and purpose?
Logotherapy is based on principles of freedom of choice, the need for something we deeply care about to motivate us and the faith that life is guiding us in a good way. It's approach of healing through meaning was developed by Viktor Frankl, renowned neurologist, psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor and author of the best seller Man's Search for Meaning.
The Logotherapy course for personal enrichment is designed for mental health professionals together with teachers, coaches, business people and parents, because in order to help others we have to start with ourselves.
All classes, from Introductory to Advanced to Diplomate level take place completely online in small groups with students from over 30 different countries. Our students love the global experience and being able to meet and learn from the different perspectives and insights of people from a great variety of cultures and backgrounds.
All Introductory classes are two hours duration per class, for six consecutive weeks, and are advertised according to the time zone in Israel.
New! Starting July 4 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM Israel
time there will be an Introductory course for three consecutive weeks
instead of six consecutive weeks, at half the price.
Starting June 19 from 6 – 8 PM
Starting July 17 from 6 – 8 PM
Starting July 25 from 4 – 6 PM
Starting on August 3 from 6 – 8 PM
"Batya is a very passionate and compassionate teacher and human being. Batya consistently conveys a sense of caring about her students and about the material. Batya gives a lot of personal attention, and gives of her time freely to answer questions and give supervision. Every question is answered fully, until Batya is sure that it is understood. She “walks her talk.” She gives generously of her time offline and this gives students the feeling that they are part of a family or community of sorts."
"Batya is extremely approachable and very insightful. She is very patient and encouraging and meets students where they are, speaking to each person at their level of understanding. She has a keen eye for details and is always open to new ideas."
I finally got it! I get what Logotherapy is. In the beginning, I could not find meaning in those terrible things that happen. But now it is different! I realized that the point is not on what happened, the point is what I am going to do with it. Logotherapy fulfilled something I was lacking, I was aware of it but I didn't not knew what it was. I found peace. THANK YOU!"
"Batya creates an atmosphere in which students feel comfortable expressing themselves and feel free to share and learn from each other."
“Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy is not just “another course” but a whole
new paradigm of how to help people deal with their lives, their hopes
and their difficulties…If you are looking for an online course and
teacher…with live discussion, no need to look any further. I am very
glad I took this course. I checked around for different options throughout the world and decided on this one, and I am glad I did.
“As a long-time therapist with over forty years experience, I feel that
{the} Logotherapy course has enriched my own as well as my professional
life. No matter which method I am using or which specialization I am
dealing with, I am better able to help my clients find meaning in their
lives, in spite of and even because of, their difficulties and life
To register, go to
Call us : 972-54-454-1481