CITY CENTER, In a luxurious and new building, a beautiful apartm

Real Estate Rentals

CITY CENTER, In a luxurious and new building, a beautiful apartm
7,000 NIS 2 Rooms
Elevator, AC, Shelter Room (Mamad) Agent 0544463831 [email protected] GAL-iA - Real Estate Agency

CITY CENTER, In a luxurious and new building, a beautiful apartment for Rent, 2 rooms, fully furnished and equipped, A/C, very nice balcony, All the treats in one place. In the city center, close to all the good places. Restaurants, cafes, shops, pedestrian streets, public transportation... And quiet great location !Long term rental !

PRICE NIS 7,000.= Plus bills Available Now
GAL-iA - Real Estate Agency
גל-יה - סוכנות נכסים

Please send a WhatsApp text to Galia to 054-446-3831 , [email protected]
