There is more to life than a "job"! Cooperatives built Israel.


There is more to life than a "job"! Cooperatives built Israel.
Freelance / Contractor
058-6272388 [email protected] https://not available yet
Mevo Modiin 21, POB 31403, Jerusalem 91313, Israel Modiin

Are you enthusiastic about life in Israel? Enough to want to share it with those left behind?The purpose of this cooperative is to soften the landing of Anglo olim who have not acquired acceptable Hebrew but whose intellectual level precludes surviving on a mac job long enough to learn it. A  cooperative environment means that one owns an equal share of the enterprise, hence profit is only limited by performance. The Intellectual Stock Exchange will protect individual creators' IP with blockchain timestamping, AI endowed avatars and the institutional clout necessary to upscale their venture. MALTA is a future media and IP agency that will allow you to talk in the first peson with the media industry's decision makers, and not sacrifice your efforts to enrich middlemen and established (pimp) gatekeepers. Call me anytime, except on Shabbat and Jewish Holidays, at +972586272388 WhatsApp [email protected]


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