Creating cooperative media agency 4 olim 2 work in own language


Creating cooperative media agency 4 olim 2 work in own language
0586272388 [email protected]
Mevo Modiin 17, POB31403, Jerusalem 91313, Israel Modiin

WANTED: Accountants. Architects, Artists, Autodidacts, Brewers, Cinematographers, Cooks, Creators, Cinephiles, Cynophiles, Distillers, Doctors, Engineers, Equestrians, Ethicists, Farmers, Fashionistas, Flyers, Futurists, Foodies, Healers, Hippies, Idealists, Inventors, Lawyers, Makers, Musicians, Performers, Philosophers, Physicians,  Physicists, Pilots, Players, Poets, Polymaths, Scientists, Shepherds, Singers, Teachers, Therapists, Thespians, Torah Jews, Vintners, Writers, Zionists, to build together our new smart ecovillage and raise our children in a sustainable, self-sufficient peer learning/teaching egalitarian spiritual community, near Eilat’s new airport and the future high speed railway, to claim the land to build our own dream homes, and a huge economic opportunity, producing films and content for the whole world and our own Web-TV channel. +972586272388 [email protected]


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