The Absence of Prophecy in Halachic Judaism - Rabbi N.L. Cardozo


The Absence of Prophecy in Halachic Judaism - Rabbi N.L. Cardozo

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo’s latest essay examines the Jewish nation’s place and purpose in history against the backdrop of Halacha and prophecy. He explains the nature of Halacha and of prophecy, and also clearly lays out particularistic and universal messages of Judaism.

How does the State of Israel further the aims, purpose and prophetic visions of Judaism? This is also addressed in the essay.

A very interesting and original read!

You can find Rabbi Cardozo's essay here:

**Look out for Rabbi Cardozo’s new book on Shemot - Exodus, another volume in the "Cardozo on the Parashah" series, which includes more essays on the weekly Torah portion, to be released next week!**

Shabbat Shalom,

The Team at the David Cardozo Academy

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