

Part Time
02-6435360 [email protected]
HaUman 25 Jerusalem

* Ongoing account management for all the company's daily revenue and expenses.

*Monitoring of invoices and collection.

* Payments to suppliers in Israel and foreign currency payments to suppliers abroad

* All HR tasks, including Preparation of salaries and pay slips, social security payments etc.

*Contact with the parent company in Italy (in English) – forwarding of reports, balance sheets and current information to the parent company as needed.

* Close monitoring of cash flow

* Accounts Payable

* Accounts Receivable

* Subordinate to company CEO

* Operations related to import and customs as needed


Bookeeping type 3 in Israel- mandatory

Good Knowledge of Hebrew- mandatory

Fluent Knowledge of English - including speaking, reading, and writing - mandatory

Experience in an active company with international connections - an advantage

Openminded with good human relations

Scope of Position:

Half time about 22 Hours per week with potential for growth

Salary as per qualifications (beginning at 5000 sh. month)

CV to: [email protected]


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