Join us in providing Sukkahs & Lulavim for IDF Soldiers!


Join us in providing Sukkahs & Lulavim for IDF Soldiers!

Join in this wonderful and important initiative and help sponsor the Sukkot needs of IDF soldiers! All donations are tax deductible in the US, Israel and Canada.

Details below.

Please Join Standing Together and The Chief Rabbinate of Israel in Supplying Sukkot, Lulav & Etrog Sets to IDF Soldiers in Remote Areas In Israel

This Sukkot, Standing Together is proud to announce our partnership with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel to provide IDF soldiers serving in remote areas with Sukkot, Lulavim, and Etrogim. These brave soldiers sacrifice so much to protect our homeland, and it's our duty to ensure they can celebrate Sukkot wherever they are. Together, we can bring the joy and spirit of the holiday to those who need it most. Donate now and join us in showing IDF soldiers that they are not alone and that we are grateful for their service. It is especially important during this difficult time where there have been numerous terrorist attacks and many lives have been lost. Our IDF soldiers are doing their utmost to protect the citizens of Israel, let's show them that you care.

Together, we can make this Sukkot a truly special one for our heroes. Donate now:

Donations are tax deductible in the USA, Canada and Israel.

Thank you and best wishes for a Shana Tova

David Landau
Founder Standing Together


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