Moving Sale - Great Prices!!

Stuff For Sale

Moving Sale - Great Prices!!
100 NIS

Selling the following - all in great condition:

Braun food processor with all blades 150
Samsung Tape/CD player with bluetooth in excellent condition 350
Bunk Bed (4 beds) 1500
Printer 300Office Chair 150 Office desk 200
Toy Kitchen 150
Pack n Play Graco 120
Bathroom scale 30
strauss water machine with filter 1000 - gets pluggeed into water pipe and filters the water
Qin Al Life phone excellent condition 400 (bought for 700) new kosher phone, has conveniences of smart phone
Pump 150
Nebulizer machine 200 with a new mask - new condition
jumping castle with blower 750 (Bought for 1200 - can be rented out for 100/day)
stereo 200
Unold ice cream maker 600

Best offers accepted, all in great condition!!
