
Physical 12/09/2023 12/09/2023 Starts 14:00 Ends 16:00 30 NIS
[email protected] 0548011957


With great pleasure, I announce the next Movie Matinee at Beit Knesset Hanassi. The film is “Three Identical Strangers”.

The film is a documentary about Jewish triplets who were separated at birth by a Jewish adoption agency and placed with three Jewish couples. The adoptive parents were never told that their baby was a triplet. By the wildest of flukes, the triplets discover each other at the age of 19. But then they discover something much darker and threatening.

Were they and numerous sets of separated twins guinea pigs of a Jewish psychiatrist and his team of Jewish researchers into the “age-old” question of “nature or nurture”? Did the separation of the triplets and the close study of them over many years cause serious damage to the triplets? Did the separation precipitate the tragedy that occurred? What did the study reveal?

This powerful, riveting documentary raises these issues and others. You will think about this highly acclaimed movie long after you see it.

This superb film won a dozen awards including the Special Jury Prize at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. It was nominated for more than fifty awards including three Emmy Awards.

The Movie Matinee is on September 12 at 2:00. Although we schedule the films for the third Tuesday of each month, the third Tuesday in September is the day after Tzom Gedalia. So we thought it prudent and beneficial to move the Movie Matinee up one week.

The film is in English with English subtitles. It is 1½ hours. In addition, there will be a brief introduction of the film, a short talk and discussion after the screening and a handout about the movie.

There will be refreshments. No reservations are required. Beit Knesset Hanassi is located at 24 Ussishkin Street. The admission is 20 shekels for members of the shul and 30 shekels for non-members.

For more information, please contact me at 0548 01 1957 or [email protected].

In the words of the late Gene Siskel, I look forward to seeing you “at the movies”.

I wish you and your family a wonderful and meaningful month of Elul.

Chodesh tov and kind regards.


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