4 weekly chugim in Jerusalem with Naomi Moss
Revitalize your body and uplift your spirit!
Sunday Mornings at Beit Yehudit/ICCY
9:15 Beginners
10:00 Beginning Intermediate
10:45-11:45 Intermediate/Advanced
Emek Refa'im 12
NIS 35, or NIS 300 for 10 sessions
Tuesday Mornings at Emunah in Rechavia
10:30 Beginners1
1:00-12:00 Intermediate
Rechov Arlozorov 6
NIS 30 Instruction in English
Wednesday Mornings at Matnas Lev Ha'ir
11:30-1:00 Intermediate/Advanced
Ohel Moshe 42, corner of Ha'Erez, next to the shuk
NIS 90 per month, in advance. (One-time entrance NIS 30)
Wednesday Evenings in Katamon
7:15 Beginners
8:15 Intermediate
9:15-11:00 Advanced
Horev Elementary School, Rechov Kovshei Katamon 15
NIS 35 per evening