Swim4Sadna 2024 - Women's Kinneret Swimathon!
Registration is open! Discount coupon for early registration.
The 14th annual swim is on its way, and you can enjoy a discount for early bird registration.
Coupon code for registration until April 22: אלופה
For further details and registration: https://tickchak.co.il/58198/en?ref=rk
Swim4Sadna is an annual fundraising event benefitting the students and residents of Sadnat Shiluv in Gevaot.
This is our 14th year!
It’s an amazing experience, both on a personal and a communal level, in which participants swim the Kinneret and raise money for different projects in Sadnat Shiluv.
As a nation and country, while we are presently experiencing many challenges and difficulties, we are committed to continue to meet together and increase the light and goodness in the world.
This year, the swimmers are raising funds to build a rehabilitation daycare center for people who currently do not have a supportive framework that is appropriate and accessible, one that meets their needs socially, communally, therapeutically and occupationally.
So how do I sign up? What goes on at the swimathon? How do I raise funds?
All the details are right here:
We’re waiting for you!
Tal and the Team