

Jul 13, 2021 | Jobs | Other | Jerusalem & Area
Part Time
0543283148 [email protected]
Gorden 72 Kiryat yearim

i am looking for a driver that has between 10-20 seats

that is reasonably priced

Im doing a summer day camp in telzstone and i am wondering 2 things 

1. I need for the 2 weeks august 8th-20th including fridays for 10 kidsPick up from yerushelym and drop of in telzstone for 9 And pick up from telzstone and drop off in yerushelym at 4 

 2. Im doing 3 day trips for 15-20 kids and want the driver to stay the whole time

A. To the gush area from telzstone from 10-4 on the 10th of august

B. 2 to maalah adumim area from telzstone 9:30-4

11th and the 18th of august

thank you

esther malka


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