Great (free) online video shiurim/lecture series on the Haggadah


Great (free) online video shiurim/lecture series on the Haggadah
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 06/04/2022 24/04/2022 Starts 12:00 Ends 12:00

Online video shiurim and lecture series in English on the Pesach Haggadah, presented by Dr. Beni Gesundheit!

* The “Dor V’Dor Haggadah” is also available for free download.

Click here to watch the lectures and download the Haggadah:

The Seder follows the Haggadah, which comprises sources spanning generations of Jewish life and thought. To understand these different elements, one must examine the internal structure of the Haggadah while considering the different sources and the periods they are from.

The shiurim video series looks at the Haggadah using the “Haggadat Dor V’Dor” and analyzes the different layers: Torah, Mishnah, and Talmud, as well as later sources. The aim of these lectures is to build a uniform view of the Haggadah with a thorough understanding of its various components.

About the lecturer: Dr. Beni Gesundheit is an alumnus of Yeshivat Har Etzion who lectures on Torah content at various colleges and communities around Israel. Dr. Gesundheit is also a pediatrician in the field of oncology and research, with a PhD. in medical ethics.


Rochie Hurwitz


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