Training Co-ordinator


Dec 13, 2023 | Jobs | Other | Tel Aviv / Mercaz
Training Co-ordinator
Full Time
0542416146 [email protected]
Tel Aviv

We are a small, private college (based in Tel Aviv, near Allenby) and are recruiting a Training Co-ordinator, who is a whizz on the computer and loves a spreadsheet! We need someone uber efficient, a great problem solver and a get-things-done kind of a person!

ENGLISH is a massive must and Hebrew is a great added bonus!

Ideally, you will hold at least a bachelor degree but will absolutely be capable of putting together training material and learning resources. If you don’t already have experience with moodle (online learning platform) you will be a fast learner and ready to develop our in-house courses on the platform.

Salary is 8,500 - 9,000 ILS per month, depending on experience

Main roles:

1. Maintain and develop the Moodle platorms for The College

2. Administer the induction process for all students

3. Administer and manage training courses

4. Track, monitor and record training participation for all


5. Prepare for training, and maintain training facilities

6. Co-ordinate and support trainers

Call Sammy now for an informal discussion about the role on 0542 416 146 or email your CV to [email protected]


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