CompuTip - Windows Tips and Tricks: 15 for 10 J-274


CompuTip - Windows Tips and Tricks: 15 for 10 J-274

If you use Windows 10, you're sure to find a few useful tricks in this list of "[FIFTEEN] Windows 10 Features You Didn't Know About."

Here are some of my favorites:

Win+V - lets you access the cloud clipboard.  Instead of saving only the last copied or moved item in the clipboard, Windows now saves the last 15 items.  Very handy if you need to copy different snippets of text and then paste all of them back into a new document.

Win+Shift+S - lets you copy a piece of your screen to the clipboard. Handy if you need to save a message that shows up on your screen.  I use it to copy the relevant section of my Excel billing spreadsheet to send to clients.

Win+. - (Press the Win key and touch the period and then let go) - lets you add emojis in Windows programs.  For example, 🍕or 👩‍🦰

Source:  AskBobRankin

Best Wishes,
Ami Raz - Computer Solutions
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