If you have ceiling fans in your home, now is the perfect time to get yours ready for use again. First, it’s probably that time to clean your ceiling fans. Cleaning fans is not very popular because it seems like a real pain. It can be difficult to properly clean them without getting dust everywhere. So here’s a quick tip:
Simply take an old pillowcase, slide it on the blade, and slide it off grabbing the blade gently. All that dust will go right into the pillowcase. You can now just throw that pillowcase directly in the laundry when you’re done.
Proper Winter/Summer Fan Settings
Next, it is time to make sure your blades are turning in the right direction. Yes, you can change the direction of the blades!
Clockwise is for summer mode and counterclockwise is winter mode. Yes, I said winter mode! Did you know your ceiling fan could be used in the winter and save your electricity in the winter as well! Awesome right? How does this work your asking? Warm air rises and gets trapped in the ceiling, the ceiling fan circulates the warm air from the ceiling and brings all of the hot air back down to the floor making heating your home more efficient.
How to Reduce Energy Consumption
Did you know you can actually decrease your electricity bill in the summer by using a ceiling fan? Your ceiling fan can be used with open windows bringing a fresh breeze from outside and making your home feel more comfortable. Well you’re asking how do we use our ceiling fan on those extremely hot days? The answer is we use the ceiling fan and the air conditioning system together. Many air conditioning systems run roughly at 2000-3000 watts. A typical ceiling fan runs between 20-60 Watts. It is almost like leaving a light fixture on - crazy right? By adjusting your thermostat and raising the temperature and operating your ceiling fan and air conditioning systemin conjunction, you’ll keep air moving, feel cooler and of course lower your electricity bill.
You are welcome to visit one of our Swingfans showroom around the country.
Jerusalem Swingfans Branch – Hatnufa 6, Talpiot.
Phone: 072-3304841
Janglo visitors get a 5% discount on every order – make sure you tell them you came via Janglo.