PHOTO ESSAY: The Story of Ammunition Hill


PHOTO ESSAY: The Story of Ammunition Hill
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 04/06/2024 14/08/2024 Starts 08:00 Ends 09:00

Join the international community relaunch event and view a photo essay for Yom Yerushalayim.

The fighting on Ammunition Hill began in the predawn hours of June 6, 1967 - one of the essential battles of the Six-Day War which enabled the reunification of the city of Jerusalem.

The trenches and bunkers where the paratrooper brigade soldiers fought the Jordanian legion remain in place today, but only because the bereaved families of the soldiers petitioned against the construction of a new neighborhood there, that was to be started rather soon - just days after the war ended.

In May 2018, photographer and filmmaker Judah S. Harris spent a few hours one afternoon photographing at Ammunition Hill, the stone and concrete, the pine trees and tall wisps of native grass, that offer a now-peaceful setting of nature, a place where one can contemplate and explore, learn more about the battle and its significance in enabling the Jerusalem we have today.

In May 2019 he visited again, to add some additional photographs to this photo essay about Ammunition Hill, a memorial and museum destination.

With his pictures and accompanying comments, Judah presents the story of Ammunition Hill, including, at the end of the photo essay, a video clip he found that provides some insight into one of the most well-known Israeli military songs, "Givat Hatachmoshet," written by Yoram Taharlev and composed by Yair Rosenblum shortly after the war.

View the photo essay:


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