Hi Everyone!
I created many new Hebrew song pages at:
Each page includes Hebrew videos, Hebrew lyrics with
English translations and transliterations.
New: 6 Tu B'Shvat Songs
* Hashkediyah Porachat - The Almond Tree is Blooming
* Kach Holchim Hashotlim - Thus Walk the Planters
* Kol Hagan Lavash Lavan - The Whole Kindergarten Wore White
* Etz Natati - I Planted a Tree
* Shai Min Hapardes - A Gift from the Orchard
* Shir Hashtil - The Seedling Song
New: 8 Purim Songs
* Mishenichnas Adar - When Adar Arrives
* Shoshanat Yaakov - The Rose of Jacob
* Chag Purim - The Festival of Purim
* Ani Purim - I am Purim
* Leizan Katan Nechmad - Cute Little Clown
* Lakova Sheli - My Hat
* Utzu Eitzah - Utzu Eitzah
* Venahapoch Hu - Venahapoch Hu
* Al Hanisim - In Honor of the Miracles posted during Chanukah
Listening to and understanding Hebrew songs
is a fun way to improve your Hebrew.
Please share. Thank You!
Have a good day!
Jacob Richman