You can send mishloach manot to IDF soldiers this Purim!
Rafi's Restaurant (Kosher Mehadrin) constantly offers special meals and deals to soldiers.
This Purim, you can join Rafi's in sending special Purim meals - a shawarma baguette, large chips and drink - to soldiers serving in Jerusalem and Gush Etzion. You can also include a personal message.
Each package is only 75 NIS - and Rafi's will deliver to the soldiers on Purim.
Do you want to treat more soldiers? Or get your shul or community involved in this great initiative? Sponsor a squad, a platoon, or a company of soldiers.
Click here to make Purim special for the soldiers who protect Israel:
Sponsor in shekels (Hebrew): www.rafisplace.com/purimSponsor in dollars (English): www.rafisplace.com/en/purim
Purim Same'ach!
Rochie Hurwitz